PUNE: A record of 206 push ups that was set on the inaugural day of the 'Push India Push Challenge' sports festival was broken on the third day, that is, Tuesday, April 18, 2023. Sarthak Pachore, a resident of Sinnar, District Nasik, bagged the top spot by setting a new record of 231 push ups. While in the women's category, Shreya Mandve remained at the top with 91 press ups.
Today, April 19, 2023, is the last day of the competition, and cynosure of the attention of all sports fans' waiting to see who will break the records set by Sarthak and Shreya records.
In the memory of his father, Rajendra Somani, Adarsh Somani has organised the 'Push India Push Challenge' at the Shree Shiv Chhatrapati Sports Complex in Balewadi.
Under the supervision of Major (Dr.) Surendra Punia, 17,000 participants from all over the country signed for the first-of-its-kind initiative in the world to push and advance India towards an all-round wholesome level of body fitness and stamina for the decades to come.
On the third day, many yoga and fitness athletes put their skills to the test. Even the participants who do push ups between 300 and 1,000 every day did not qualify in this competition because many veterans got tired while doing 'push ups' according to the rules of the competition that
builds super strength, expands your stamina and capacity, and gains that ultimate power over one's otherwise dormant body.
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