PUNE: It has come to light that the Customs Department's Anti-Narcotics Cell chased four accused from Satara and arrested for smuggling Methamphetamine (popularly known as Meth). The customs department has reported that one kg of Meth worth ₹5 crore was seized during the operation.
On May 29, the Anti-Narcotics Cell (ANC) of the Pune Customs Department received intel that a large quantity of Methamphetamine was being smuggled from Satara to Mumbai in a Ford Endeavor car. Accordingly, the Ford Endeavor of the accused was chased from Satara. When the vehicle arrived at Khed Sivapur Toll road, the customs team seized the concerned vehicle. There were two persons in the car at the time, and 850 grams of methamphetamine was initially recovered from their possession. However, two more accomplices of the accused were going to meet them in Lonavala and they were carrying narcotics.
Accordingly, the Customs team went to Lonavala and detained two more persons and seized 200 grams of narcotics from them. As per the information received, the accused earlier worked in a courier company.
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