PUNE: Along with curative care, palliative care is getting popular with the life threatening disease diagnosis. As the diagnosis process may cause the side effects on patients and they can be mentally weak.
Palliative care is an approach that improves the quality of life of patients (adults and children) and their families who are facing problems associated with life-threatening illness.
Palliative care provides pain management and a holistic approach to keep the patient comfortable and able to withstand the curative treatment. Without this essential piece of the puzzle, the patient may lose their resolve to withstand the necessary curative treatments and experience unnecessary distress.
Though the curative care and palliative care vary from each other but a patient needs both treatments to maintain his/her mental stress and ability to fight the disease. As palliative care gives relief for a patient but doesn't cure a patient, curative care can overcome the disease and promote recovery.
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