Ruby Hall Clinic Pune successfully treats Sri Lankan cricketer Kumar Sangakkara

Ruby Hall Clinic Pune successfully treats Sri Lankan cricketer Kumar Sangakkara

PUNE: Former Sri Lankan cricketer, commentator Kumara Chokshananda Sangakkara was successfully treated at Ruby Hall Clinic Pune.  He was admitted to the Ruby Hall Clinic Pune in Hinjewadi at 8pm on January 4, a day before the Indo-Sri Lanka match, as he began having the shivers in the evening. Kumar Sangakkara also suffered from dehydration and high fever. He was discharged before the match on Thursday.

Said Sridhar Deshmukh, Physician and Intensivist, Ruby Hall Clinic who treated Sangakkara: "The doctors were called at home when Kumar Sangakkara had the chills, headache, intestinal inflammation and high fever. He was found to be dehydrated. He had a fever of 103° Celsius. We admitted him to the hospital. He was rehydrated and given other supportive treatments. He quickly recovered from the viral dehydration illness."

On his part, the Sri Lankan cricketer was gracious in expressing his gratitude to the medical and non-medical staff of the hospital. "I carry   with me unforgettable memories of everyone at the Ruby Hall Clinic and I am also grateful to the doctors for my recovery,” Kumar Sangakkara said.

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