Swarajya Party organises rally from Sancheti Hospital to Balgandharva Chowk

Swarajya Party organises rally from Sancheti Hospital to Balgandharva Chowk

PUNE: A rally was carried out by Swarajya party Sancheti Hospital to Balgandharva Chowk by beating drums and playing various traditional sports.


At 11 a.m. today, the office of the Swarajya Party at Kubera Chambers Building was inaugurated by the doctor, lawyer, and autorickshaw driver. The rally started from Sancheti Hospital Chowk and was celebrated with drums. Women of the Ganesh Mahila Bhajani Mandal of Bhairavnath Nagar in Dhanori participated with musical instruments, and activists participated by carrying display cards.


Chhatrapati Sambhaji Raje Bhosale, his wife Sanyogitaraje Bhosale, his son Shahajiraje Bhosale, Dhananjay Jadhav, and others were present at the rally.

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