PUNE: An incident has come to light wherein police arrested a person who pretended to be an IAS officer at RSS programme in Aundh. The accused has been identified as Vasudev Nivrutti Tayade (54), who attended the event as an IAS officer.
An ambulance launch ceremony was held at Sindh Housing Society, Aundh, to send an ambulance to Jammu and Kashmir for help. Viren Shah, Suhas Kadam, P. K. Gupta, and others were present on the occasion. One of the guests claimed himself to be IAS officer Dr. Vinay Dev, and he is currently posted as secretary in the Prime Minister's Office, Delhi. When he was asked more about the information by the office-bearers, they became suspicious of him.
Later, they informed the police, and based on the information, the police traced Dr. Vinay Dev and arrested him in Talegaon Dabhade. After interrogating him, it was revealed that he pretended to be Dr. Vinay Dev, who is an IAS officer, and told them that he was working as a Deputy Secretary in the Prime Minister's Office, Delhi.
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