Reckless rider knocks down Pune pedestrian, woman succumbs to her injuries; Incident captured on CCTV camera

Reckless rider knocks down Pune pedestrian, woman succumbs to her injuries; Incident captured on CCTV camera

PUNE: It has come to light that a horrifying hit n' run incident took place in Karve Nagar wherein a minor rider, riding his motorcycle at a high speed, knocked down a female pedestrian, who succumbed to her injuries during treatment. This terrifying incident has been captured on a CCTV camera of a building in a residential neighbourhood. 

The deceased victim of the hit n' run accident has been identified as one Ranjana Prakash Vaswe.

According to the information provided by the police, a female pedestrian was walking through a residential neighbourhood of Karve Nagar when suddenly a minor rider, riding his motorbike at high speed, zoomed through the residential area, and knocked down the pedestrian. Compounding his folly, he continued to ride through without stopping to check on the extent damage caused or help the victim of the accident.

His recklessness cost the woman her life as  she succumbed to her injuries during treatment.  

The entire unfortunate incident was captured on a CCTV camera from a neighbouring building. 

The Karve Nagar police have initiated action against the youth. 

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