PUNE: It has come to light that despite tight security at all entry points of Pune railway station, drugs are being openly sold in the area. The Anti-Narcotics Cell (ANC) raided the two entry points of the railway station and arrested two people. and Mephedrone worth ₹2 lakh have been seized from them.
The accused have been identified as Al Fahad Vazir Sayyad (27), a resident of Central Street, Camp and Shahrukh Babu Shaikh (29), a resident of Kondhwa.
The police had got information that drugs were being openly sold at the two entry points of the railway station. The action was taken by a team of officials including PI Sunil Thopte of ANC, SD Narke, Digambar Chavan, Nitin Jagdale, Sahil Shaikh, Azim Shaikh, Santosh Deshpande, Sandip Jadhav, Prashant Bomaddi, Ravindra Rokde, Mayur Suryawanshi, Chetan Gaikwad, Yogesh Mandhre, Yuvraj Kamble, Dinesh Bastwad and Disha Khevalkarvar.
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