Central Railway Administration orders the railway authorities to pay compensation of ₹5.12 lakh to a traveller after a theft in a reserved compartment

PUNE: The Additional District Consumer Commission ordered the Central Railway administration to pay ₹5.12 lakh in compensation. The Chairman of the commission, J. V. Deshmukh, and members, Shubhangi Dunakhe and Anil Khaibekar, gave orders in this regard.

A complaint was filed with the Additional District Customer Grievance Redressal Commission by Adv. Ardhapure against the Central Railway Administration, Station Master, and Manmad Railway Administration Manager. The complainant woman, along with her child, was travelling between Mathura and Alnawar in an air-conditioned coach on November 26, 2017. The train reached Manmad railway station on November 27.

Then, two unknown people entered the cabin. One of them pretended that the money fell under the seat. The complainant looked under the seat to confirm. Then the accomplice of the thief stole the bag placed on the seat and fled from the scene. The woman filed a complaint at the Manmad Railway Police Station. In the complaint, it was stated that the value of ₹5.12 lakh, including a wrist watch, earrings, and cash, was stolen.

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