Social Security Cell raids hookah parlours in Levitate Roof Kitchen & Brewery and The Breakroom Restro

Social Security Cell raids hookah parlours in Levitate Roof Kitchen & Brewery and The Breakroom Restro

PUNE: The Social Security Cell (SSC) of the Pune police raided the hookah parlours at Levitate Roof Kitchen & Brewery and The Breakroom Restro in the Clover Hill Plaza building in Kondhwa. The SSC and the Local Crime Branch raided two hookah parlours and took action against two accused. Goods worth 

₹65,210 were seized.     

Senior PI Vijay Kumbhar of the SSC had received information that hookah parlours were being operated by using banned tobacco substances in Levitate Roof Kitchen & Brewery and The Breakroom Restro located in Clover Hill building in Kondhwa. A raid was carried out as per his instructions and the accused were arrested.

The SSC team saw that two people were smoking a hookah on a table. The accused told the team that they were operating a hookah parlour in the restaurant. When asked whether they had a licence to operate the parlour, they replied in the negative. 

The action was taken by a team of police officials including senior PI of SSC Vijay Kumbhar, API Ashwini Patil, policemen Rajendra Kumawat, Ajay Rane, Pramod Mohite, Manisha Pukale, Anna Mane, Hanumant Kamble, Amit Jamdade and Pushpendra Chavan.  

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